Wynford Elementary School
Both Wynford resident and non-resident families who have a child that will be 5 years old by or on August 1, 2025, and want to attend Wynford Elementary for kindergarten will need to attend kindergarten screening. The Wynford Local School District’s policy states that there will be no admittance for students entering kindergarten if their birthday occurs after August 1, 2025. Kindergarten screening will take place on April 28 and 29, 2025, by appointment. To register your student for kindergarten screening, please visit, scan the above QR code, or contact Julie Stahl at or 419-562-4619 x301.
For non-residents, open enrollment applications will be available on the Wynford website at and in the Wynford School offices beginning on March 1, 2025. Open enrollment applications for new students are due back by Wednesday, April 30, 2025. Kindergarten screening does NOT guarantee open enrollment acceptance. Final confirmation of open enrollment acceptance will occur on or before July 15, 2025.
Requirements for kindergarten are as follows:
Immunizations: 5 doses - DPT; 4 doses - polio; 2 doses - MMR; 3 doses hepatitis B; and 2 doses - chickenpox. All required immunizations must be on file with our nurse before the first day of school.
Government Issued Birth Certificate (not a mother’s certificate or hospital certificate)
Proof of Residency - Current utility bill
Complete FinalForms at
Students Out of District - Complete an open enrollment application which will be available on our website ( for new students starting on March 1, 2025
We can’t wait to meet the Wynford Class of 2038!